Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mr. Tamborine Man

Bob Dylan wrote some of the most popular folk songs of the sixties.  In high school he had an interest in rock n Roll, but decided to go the folk route instead.  He explains "The thing about rock n roll is that for me anyway it wasn't enough...there were great catch phrases and driving pulse rhythms but the songs weren't serious or didn't reflect life in a realistic way.  I knew that when I got into folk music, it was more of a serious type of thing.  The songs are filled with more despair, more sadness, more triumph, more faith in the supernatural,much deeper feelings".   And that's what Bob Dylan did, he went on to write some of the most meaningful deepest songs that spoke to you.  He didn't have the greatest voice, but the songs that he wrote had the greatest lyrics.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i love that one of him on the bed!
    It's so interesting to see how his style changes, fashion and music-wise!
