I'm so glad winter is over and it's finally spring! Unfortunately it doesn't feel like it though, right now it's snowing. Hopefully it will warm up soon and the sun will shine cause I'm ready for it. It's been a long cold winter. Here are some photos that remind me of spring.
photos-splitpeavintage.tumblr.com, gypsysupertramp.tumblr.com, last.fmWednesday, March 30, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Hip Hairstyles
The sixties was popular for many things, and hair was one of them. There were so many different hairstyles throughout the decade. In the early sixties the bob was very popular and the statement making beehive. Towards the mid to late sixties long straight hair and bangs were in style. Short hair was in too, the famous pixies worn by Twiggy and Mia Farrow took guts to wear, and they could pull it off!
photos-retrohairstyles.com, acephotos, theepochtimes.com, prettysmartgirlart.blogspot.com, segullhair.com, listal.com, fanpix.net, photographing fashion
Friday, March 25, 2011
Take Me From This Road To Some Other Town
I love these photos so much. Someday I just want to leave the town where I live and go on a road trip across the country and see all the sights there is to see. But I don't think that's gonna happen any time soon unfortunately, so until then I can look at these pictures and imagine I'm there.
" The river flows it flows to the sea wherever that river goes, that's where I want to be"...